Pflugerville Martial Arts Academy


At Pflugerville Martial Arts Academy, we inspire individuals to grow through martial arts in Pflugerville. Our diverse program blends traditional and modern disciplines, including Shorin Ryu, Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Kickboxing, Krav Maga, and C.O.B.R.A Self Defense. We cater to all skill levels, emphasizing self-esteem, discipline, and awareness. Our kids’ classes focus on essential skills like bully-proofing and self-defense fundamentals. We create a dynamic and disciplined environment for everyone

Age Range
Kids: 5 and above
Teens and Adults: Any age

Martial arts class with students practicing in a dojo, wearing uniforms with "Pflugerville Martial Arts Academy" on the back, and various training equipment visible.

Grow with discipline and respect

Kid's martial arts

Children’s martial arts classes >

Empowering kids with essential self-defense skills

Adult martial arts

Adult’s martial arts training >

Transform your fitness and self-defense skills

Adult Martial Arts

Self-Defense courses >

Transform your fitness and self-defense skills

Join us for A Free Trial Class!!

Tuesdays & Wednesdays

from 6 – 7 PM!

Book a free trial class